The House of Music, Hungary is a tree of life in the heart of Városliget, with a trunk, and a crown of golden leaves on slender branches. We are standing here by its roots, which provide the institution with its spiritual sustenance. The roots are entwined, like a labyrinth, and we walk among them. Our journey begins far back in time and space, back at the birth of music itself where we can grasp the roots of Hungarian folk music and European music. Progressing through the centuries, we will follow the development of music, discovering what a series of organised tones has meant to mankind, with the emphasis on Hungarians in the light—or sometimes the shadow—of Europe.

Through the language of music, the exhibition speaks for itself: Everywhere we go, we hear music playing; the subject of the exhibition is music itself. Quoting Shakespeare, we might say, “Mark the music!” Mark not only the music coming from the headphones, but also the music around and within you. When you reach the end of the path, the modern day, many sounds will have been etched into your heart and mind: music to take home with you, the music of ancient times.

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This question can be answered quite literally: a dome-cupola, which emits sounds. But it is more than just that. Our sound dome is also a projection screen with a sound system behind it. Anyone sitting in the middle will hear sounds coming from all directions. The world of sounds is evoked here starting with those of nature to composed music but the experience visitors have here expands beyond this dimension. This dome is also a laboratory producing new sounds: alchemy at the highest level. It is a unique creation with unforeseeable potential. It is worth returning here from time to time and making new discoveries. The first show conveys the sounds and images of the Carpathian Basin from unique audio and visual perspectives.

Sound is the most volatile thing; even a fragrance can be captured more easily than sound. Installed in this space are instruments that enable us to create the components of music, and thus the whole process of sound- and music creation is objectified. By using ingenious devices here visitors can experiment with and study the nature of several aspects of sound such as pitch, vibration, tone and rhythm. Last but not least, an organ ‘speaking volumes’ is installed here addressing visitors in the language of not only musical sounds... In a word: a palace of musical wonders will open up here. A fantastic game for children and adults alike.  

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