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#8 The magic of the media

Rock and Roll Free University - performance by Béla Szilárd Jávorszky
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19:00 - 20:30
Multimedia Library & Club
House of Music Hungary production

#8 The magic of the media

This lecture is held in Hungarian. Rock and roll is, somewhat simplistically, the result of a particular cultural-historical fusion: that of when the musical traditions of Black slaves brought over from Africa met those of white settlers who had emigrated from Europe to the new world, the Americas. Moreover, all this took place in a radically transforming society, following technological progress and its associated industrialisation and urbanisation. In the second season of this series, we look at the social, cultural and musical events of the period from Elvis to the twilight of the rock and roll era in the Fifties.

Language: hungarian

According to current regulations, from March 7, 2022, it is no longer obligatory to wear a mask when visiting the House of Music Hungary. Concerts, programs and exhibitions can be attended without a vaccination certificate or card.

Nevertheless we still encourage you to wear a mask during concerts. All current rules are subject to change based on the all-time rules and regulations of the government. We kindly ask you to check all current regulations for your event on our website before your visit in each case.

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Ticket Prices

1 200 Ft
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