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Sound Dome

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Sound Dome
Sound dome
House of Music Hungary production

Sound Dome

What is a sound dome?


This question can be answered quite literally: a dome-cupola, which emits sounds. But it is more than just that. Our sound dome is also a projection screen with a sound system behind it. Anyone sitting in the middle will hear sounds coming from all directions.  The world of sounds is evoked here starting with those of nature to composed music but the experience visitors have here expands beyond this dimension. This dome is also a laboratory producing new sounds: alchemy at the highest level. It is a unique creation with unforeseeable potential.

It is worth returning here from time to time and making new discoveries. The first show conveys the sounds and images of the Carpathian Basin from unique audio and visual perspectives.


The 360-degree dome is also a projection screen, and the 27.4-channel ambisonic sound system is located behind it. Here, those who sit in the middle of the square can turn their heads! The sound world comes to life, from the sounds of nature to composed music. This is a laboratory for the production of new sounds, alchemy at its highest level. A unique creation, its possibilities are unimaginable. You have to come here from time to time to learn about the latest discoveries.

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DOME 008 – BOSCH The Garden of Earthly Delights


Although the Bosch exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts has ended, from December the House of Music is bringing the Garden of Earthly Delights to life. In the domed room a 360-degree projection of Miss Virgács’ (Nikolett Németh) collage animation technique sets the Dutch painter’s altar triptych in motion to the accompaniment of contemporary polyphonic choral works by Cantemus, subtly distorted and modulated by MA'AM (Anna Makay), and complemented by diabolical sound sequences.


Running time: 35 minutes

Age limit classification

We do not recommend viewing the show for viewers under the age of 16.

The screening is in Hungarian, but this should not affect your experience.

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Dome 016 - Csontváry: Levante

Audio-visual adaptation of Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka's paintings in the spirit of the solar journey, from Naples to Jerusalem.

View or vision? Many people have asked this question after seeing Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka’s paintings. The paintings of this artist, considered a unique and eccentric figure in the history of Hungarian art, leave no one indifferent. Dreams awakened by landscapes he had never seen before, and the depiction of reality directed towards the sky, of living nature tending towards surrealism, are one of the keys to his art. He was looking for the journey of the sun, the great motif and the mystic, and he believed that he could only find it in the East, in the lands of the Levant. At the turn of the 20th century, he made several trips to the provinces east of Italy, following the line of the increasingly popular Asian tourist routes.

Our musical journey takes us on an itinerary based on four scenes and twelve paintings, from the city of Castellammare in the Bay of Naples, through Athens and then Jerusalem, to the 6,000-year-old cedar of Baalbek. The artist's well-known and lesser-known paintings are brilliantly illustrated with compositions written and performed by renowned Hungarian and foreign performers, linked to each location. A canzone by the Italian Faraualla and Fratelli Mancuso, followed by a popular rebetiko by Veronika Varga and the Esperia band, then Jordi Savall and the Faran Ensemble evoke Jerusalem, and finally the ethereal music of Dhafer Youssef and Ádám Kalamár closes the round.

Csontváry's monumental paintings, his masterly brushwork, his colours glowing with the power of the soul from an unmarkable, unlocatable source of light, now enchant the visitor in the Sound Dome of the Hungarian House of Music, who, following the traveller who has been on an adventure for 100 years, can board a plane, a boat or a train to answer the question: is the master's oeuvre a vision or a spectacle?

Running time: 25 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 3.

The screening is in Hungarian, which may affect your experience.


DOME 009 – Cloudhitects: Point Cloud Budapest


The next show at the Sound Dome is a point cloud journey that exhibits the sights of Budapest in a naturalistic point cloud environment. All these images begin to behave in an abstract way at a certain point in the audio-visual projection, with spaces merging into each other during the journey. The abstractions reinterpret the scanned spaces and they come to life on the surface of the Dome. The Parliament building, Chain Bridge, Várkert Bazaar, Hold Street, Heroes' Square, the Academy of Sciences, the National Gallery and the Eastern Railway Station all appear in the production.


Running time: 24 minutes

Age limit classification

We do not recommend viewing the show for viewers under the age of 10.

The screening has no dialogue, recommended for guests of any language.

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DOME 010 – 'Tales from the Lakeside'-day

The Lengemesék, characterized by Judit Berg, are a big crowd favorite in domestic waters, from which a TV series and two full-length cartoons were made. Now they are reviving in a new dimension not only for older kindergarten and elementary school children.

Language: hungarian

Running time: 20 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 3.

The screening is in Hungarian, which may affect your experience.

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Sound Dome - DOME 000 Moods


It is a unique creation, its possibilities are unpredictable. You have to come here from time to time to get to know the latest discoveries. The first message conveys the sounds and images of the Carpathian Basin from a special auditory and visual perspective.


Running time: 21 minutes

Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 4.

The screening has no dialogue, recommended for guests of any language.

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DOME 006 - The Intergalactic Gateway


What can the Sound Dome do? What is ’surround sound’? What is 360-degree projection? How are works produced for a unique audio-visual system like this? On this occasion, the Sound Dome itself will answer – using the voice of the actor Barbara Hegyi – more questions than you can shake a stick at, using a projection to lead the audience on a fabulous journey, illustrated with excerpts from the content currently being shown at the Dome. This short film aims partly to show the variety of ways in which the creators are able to use the technology built into the space, and partly to introduce viewers to the diversity of genres that can be explored within it. They can experience, for example, what happens when sound and image are in synch, and what it is like to have visual content responding instantly to sound and music at any given moment.

The virtual tour, which sets off from Liszt Ferenc Airport, offers visitors a playful way of exploring the complex system of the Sound Dome and its hidden potential.

Vazul Endre Mándli is the artistic curator of the new content woven together for the Sound Dome, Panni Néder is the story writer and director, while the sound engineer for the compilation is Tamás Zányi, the sound engineer for the Oscar-winning film Son of Saul, who has won multiple awards and international acclaim. The visual content was created by Gáspár Batta and András Juhász.

The screening of "Sound Dome: The Intergalactic Gateway" will be presented by the House of Music Hungary in cooperation with Budapest Airport as part of BrainBar 2022 and will then be included in the content available daily.

Running time: 29 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

The screening is in Hungarian, which may affect your experience.

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Running time: 25 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

Having already given us new ways of looking at Bosch and Csontváry, this Sound Dome programme will feature a great painter being exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts for the third time. This latest audiovisual work features the paintings of Renoir set in motion using both manual and digital (so-called generative) imaging techniques. The animated imagery is also enhanced by music that moves in every dimension. What makes these unique installations created from the painters’ works so special is the way they allow visitors to examine the pictures from much closer up than they would be able to view the original paintings with the naked eye, incorporating them too into these stories painted centuries ago.

Visual composition: Dániel Németh
Musical concept & sound design: Ákos Lovász, Ádám Kalmár

The screening has no dialogue, recommended for guests of any language.



Running time: 22 minutes

Flowing imperceptibly into each other in Dávid Somló’s contemplative work for the Sound Dome are sustained resonant musical sounds and imagined soundscapes, accompanied by a projection based on the dreamlike animation of the artist’s own analogue photos, providing visitors with space to immerse themselves in the sounds and their own memories. 

Creators: Dávid Somló - Composition,
Photos András Szombathy - Visuals

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 7.

The screening is in Hungarian, which may affect your experience.



Running time: 22 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 7.

The songs in the screening are in Hungarian, but this does NOT affect the experience.



Running time: 16 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 7.

The songs in the screening are in Hungarian, but this does NOT affect the experience.

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DOME 024 – Red-footed Falcon

The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society's Red Footed Falcon Conservation Working Group has produced a unique three-dimensional film for the 20th anniversary of its creation, which can be most effectively presented on this three-dimensional hemispherical screen in the SoundDome at the House of Music. MMTE was commissioned by National Geographic to film in Angola, the world's largest nocturnal roosting site for birds of prey, where the world population of red footed falcons congregates before beginning their migration to Europe. The three-dimensional short film is complemented by a short educational documentary on the project on the screen of the hemispherical dome, and the African pulse is rounded off by a selection of nature photos taken during the expedition. During the DOME_LIVE premiere, there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the creators and the expedition participants.

Running time: 20 minutes

Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 4.

The screening is in Hungarian, which may affect your experience.

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DOME 023 – Szauder Dávid: Mestersége az intelligencia

Though artificial intelligence has existed for almost four decades, its development has accelerated at nearly incomprehensible speed over the past 18 months to 2 years. It’s hard to know whom and what to believe. Both the arts and artists themselves can expect to be impacted by this marvellous new digital age. So it’s time to take a deep breath, fasten our seat belts and spend the next 20 minutes letting artificial intelligence reinterpret the art of the past 2000 years. Imagine the Greek temples of antiquity being built by robots, dancing Roman statues, Byzantine mosaics populated by fighting Star Wars characters instead of martyrs, Botticelli’s Venus emerging from an ice cream cone, and what Bosch’s altar would look like in a zero gravity world. Quite a bit different, right? While intended partly as entertainment, the video montage also helps visitors understand what artificial intelligence can be used for, if we have the courage not to fear it.

Running time: 20 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 7.

The screening has no dialogue, recommended for guests of any language.

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DOME_025: Tibor Bozi: Face to Face

Running time: 20 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 4.

The songs in the screening are in Hungarian, but this does NOT affect the experience.

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Sound Dome - DOME 002 -  Moment's Notice


Moment's Notice (György Kurtág Jr., Miklós Lukács and László Gőz) was inspired by John Cage's idea that contemporary music can only be talked about in the presence of the audience, in the fleeting reality of the moment, in the context of 21st century jazz, European classical and electronic music.

The musical experience is coupled with an interactive projection, in which the sounding compositions are transformed from the visual world of László Moholy-Nagy into visual signs and a kind of notes on the screen. The animated visual material was created by the BINAURA art collective, which Szabolcs Keresztes connects live with the voices. The guest performer of the production is Kornél Fekete-Kovács, a composer and trumpet player, one of the most significant figures in 21st century Hungarian jazz and contemporary music.

Running time: 28 minutes

Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

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Sound Dome - DOME 003 Lighthouse


In Debrecen, scientific research has a centuries-old tradition, today it is an important international center of nuclear physics, and on the outskirts of the city, in Hortobágy, there is a unique area on the continent with the least light pollution, where the lights of the Universe can be observed unobstructed.

The city's relationship with light art dates back decades, including the erection of the country's first luminokinetic sculpture by Béla Tilles in 1975. The Lighthouse Association was founded in Debrecen in 2021 with the undisguised intention of becoming one of the international centers of light culture - taking care of the heritage of Hungarian science and art, giving way to the present aspirations and actively shaping the future - where science, technology, innovation, education and art meet and work together; where the natural environment, scientific, educational and cultural institutions and actors form an inspiring ecosystem for the most diverse aspects of thinking about light, dealing with light.

This time, the creative team of Lighthouse will present a selection of dome films in the Sound Dome of the Hungarian House of Music. The 360-degree canvas brings to life 6 different creations that surround the viewer. Where they travel, where they make you think, and where they create a meditative audiovisual experience for audiovisual transcendence.


1. Eclipse (2:29 minutes) - picture and sound: Cloudhitects (Dániel Besnyő, Patrik Kiss) - laser scan: Totalscan (Gábor Tóth)

2. Space cut (5:25 minutes) - picture and sound: Viktor Vicsek

3. Klara and the Sun (3:32 minutes) - picture: Ivó Kovács - sound: József Iszlai

4. Ratio (4:07 minutes) - picture: XYZ (László András Nagy) - sound: Siblicity (Gábor Halász, Péter Halász)

5. Resonautica (5:00 minutes) - picture: Burning Bulbs - sound: Csilla Domonkos

6. Escape (5:00 minutes) - concept and 3D animation: László Zsolt Bordos - music: Jóhann Jóhannson

Running time:
27 minutes

Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

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György Ligeti: Chamber concert excerpt + EJTECH: Formalized Music for 4 Winds


Next year, in 2023, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of György Ligeti's birth, the Hungarian Music House will adapt the composer's Chamber Concert for Thirteen Instruments to the cathedral's unique sound system. We are now starting this presentation with the first part of the work consisting of four movements.

The Chamber Concert, conducted by Marcell Dénes-Worowski and thirteen excellent musicians, was recorded at the Pannonia Film Studio, and this recording was adapted by electronic music producer and sound artist Esteban de la Torre for the cathedral's 31 speakers. The work is complemented by visual content in the space at 360 degrees, for which visual artist and media designer András Juhász used light as the main visual element in an abstract way. Several of Ligeti's works are defined by playing with timbres, which are supported by groups of instruments, so-called set patterns. The twenty-minute Chamber Concert presents one of the main essences of Ligeti's work on the multi-channel system of the cathedral, partly in a pedagogical way, by breaking down these sets and moving the sounds in space.

After the first part that previews next year's presentation, Esteban de la Torre's audiovisual production, Formalized Music for 4 Winds, created under the name EJTECH, can also be seen and heard at the DOME_LIVE 004 presentation. Inspired by Iannis Xenakis, EJTECH's work using sound as a physical building block, Formalized Music for 4 Winds, presents a composition based on the fluidity of noise and the interweaving of dynamic systems, where the spatial, quasi-stochastic distribution of sound sources aims to provide each listener with a unique acoustic experience. part of. The work goes around the fact that the phenomenology of sound is essential in creating the reality we experience. The curators of DOME_004 are Hedvig Somogyi and Endre Vazul Mándli.

Running time: 24 minutes

Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 12.

Warning to those at risk of photosensitivity attacks

A small percentage of people may suffer seizures when exposed to certain visual images, including the flashing lights and patterns that form part of the show.


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DOME 005 – Nagy Zétény: Would There Be A Void?

Would There Be a Void? is an experimental electro-acoustic spatial composition that leads the listener into cold, hostile, uncertain, unstable, and unexplored spaces where things that would be better left unknown are found. At first, sustained, smooth surface pitches fill the space, and then their initially ominous, static restlessness is replaced by tense variations.

The depth of the space steadily grows until it becomes too large to be filled by these sounds, and in their place appear continually jittering, moving, crackling, buzzing, snaking and straining sound objects. The direction of the reverberations begins to change, the reverberations darken and lengthen, the tension increases bringing the receiver to the realisation that they will not find peace in this space.


Running time: 18 minutes


Age rating:

This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 12.

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The works of the composer Rozi Mákó and the media artist Bori Mákó reflect upon each other, inviting us into an (imagined) metaverse. 

"This was the first memory,
the thundering spring
from which, like Eden's rivers,
the hours and the years flowed,
so that the counting could begin
of the dreams and the delusions."

SOURCE reveals an imaginary landscape of intertwining sounds and digitally created motifs through musical and visual dynamics created in real time, the details of which unfold as time progresses. The fragments can be combined with almost infinite variety, so that the slow visual changes, animated by Melinda Kádár, transform into a kind of kaleidoscopic space experience, and her sounds into a musical canon of noise melodies.

The audio-visual journey was inspired by Mónika Ferencz's book Hátam mögött dél (First Find the North Star), whose sky poems, text layers and creation story motifs "orchestrate the Universe" taking us on an adventure in a private mythological world. From darkness to light, treading the paths of no man's land, babbling out towards the sea, and soaring up to the heavens.


Music composition by Rozi MÁKÓ
Visual composition by Bori MÁKÓ
Animation by Melinda KÁDÁR
Text by Mónika FERENCZ
Co-production partner: PesText Festival, Hungarian Literary Copyright Association (MISZJE)
Creative Management: Let it Be! art agency


Running time: 22 minutes

Age rating:
This performance is not recommended for children under the age of 6.

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The DOME_LIVE series of programs of the Hungarian House of Music dedicates an evening every month to present new audiovisual performances. During the evenings, the audience can see live instrumental or electroacoustic concerts, usually supplemented with visual material, or a premiere screening of the content produced here.


Monday   closed (and closed on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of each month)

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday  10 AM to 6 PM

Closing of the ticket office and last screening: 5.30 PM

Friday  10 AM to 8 PM

Closing of the ticket office and last screening: 7.30 PM



We can't deviate from the Hangman screening order, so if the group is 10-15 minutes late, unfortunately we can't let it in. Please take this into account and thank you for your understanding.



The use of the cloakroom is free of charge and is obligatory for visiting exhibitions and events. Luggage, backpacks of any size, umbrella and bag are mandatory in the locker room. The exhibition and screening room will close at 6pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, with ticketing and admission closed at 5:30 p.m. Please leave the area when the closing colleagues show up and visit the cloakroom by 18:00 at the latest if necessary.

During the summer, the cloakroom is not open, you can use the lockers on level -1 for your luggage.



With the ticket redeemed online, the first two hours of parking in the Museum Underground Garage are free on the day of the visit. Please validate your parking tickets at the information desk of the House of Music Hungary.

Warning of the risk of photosensitivity attacks

A small percentage of people may experience seizures due to certain visual images, including flashing lights and patterns that appear as part of the show.