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Discussion about Gyimes folk music

18:00 - 19:00
Concert hall
House of Music Hungary production

Discussion about Gyimes folk music


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Music and dance in Gyimes

In the 1940s, Oszkár Dincsér drew attention to the instrumental music of the Gyimes Csángos, who had settled in a remote valley in the Eastern Carpathians and were mostly of Székely origin, with his book Two Csíki instruments: the mozsika and the gardon. Later, the collections of János Jagamas, Zoltán Kallós, György Martin, István Pávai and others made Gyimes folklore popular in the folk ‘dance-house’ movement. This evening, the House of Music Hungary will be filled with the pulsating power of old-time music and dance, evoking the harsh world of the river valleys.

2022/10/14 19:30
Concert hall

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