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Let's Play Music! - The new possibilities of music outreach, conference and showcase - Day 1

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16:30 - 18:30
Concert hall
Music education
Program series
House of Music Hungary production

Let's Play Music! - The new possibilities of music outreach, conference and showcase - Day 1

Let's play music! That is the slogan of the House of Music Hungary's music pedagogy method, in the spirit of which the institution lays great emphasis on the common ground between performing arts and music pedagogy. This is also the aim of the Showcase, which is aimed at creating and presenting informative and experiential pedagogic programmes related to the mission of our institution. To this end, we announced a call for proposals in four categories, for which more than one hundred programme plans were received from all over the country. They were judged in two rounds by a jury made up of key professionals from the domestic cultural sector. The realization of the best project plans was also supported by the House of Music mentoring programme and will be presented within the framework of the festival between 10-11 November. It also publicizes a conference that will reflect on possible new ways of promoting music, partly with the help of foreign performers and partly with the help of Hungarian specialists. Both day tickets and tickets for individual programmes are available.

Friday 10 NOVEMBER: 


15:00: The Festival opens!

15:30 – 16:30: This is how we became us: An Introduction to the House of Music Hungary’s Music Education Team

The goal of the Music Education Team is to be able to open the door to the musical experience for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Whether it is a word game, family events, free university performances, music pedagogy sessions, equal opportunity programmes or afternoon music clubs, our aim is always the same: through shared creation, observation and connection, to reach not just a musical experience, but also each other and ourselves. With this in mind, at the event, they will not only talk about what they do and how they do it, but also show you how by involving the audience!

17:00 – 18:00: Árpád Tóth presents his Hangadó [Keynote] series – Chaos in Music

Árpád Tóth is the host of the most popular educational lecture series at the House of Music. Here he will not only talk about what lies behind his success, but also give a taster of the events he leads. This time the theme is “Chaos in Music.” In other words: order and harmony have been an essential part of music since its inception. But what happens when this principle of order fails to apply? Chaos songs have existed since composers first began to entertain their audiences – a multitude of ideas, spanning genres, styles and eras, gives us an insight into how diverse, yet somehow how unified our musical culture is today. The theme provides an extraordinary opportunity for the most diverse interactions with the audience, and for all of us to feel we are participating in the music.

19:00 – 20:30: Balázs Alpár – More than film music 

- Winner of the Adult Educational Category – the purpose of this educational presentation and playful, interactive music session from the composer and sound designer Balázs Alpár is to raise awareness of the music and sound experiences in film, and to demonstrate the practice of musical character development and the diverse functions of film music. The programme includes a performance, a joint analysis of a film scene, and interactive elements where participants can experiment with their own voices, associating them with stories and images.


16:30 – 17:00: Percussion Project Pécs – Percussion cavalcade around the world 
The main objective of the Percussion Project Pécs is to present percussion instruments and to popularize percussive music to a broad audience. In their performance, they play percussion instruments so rare that not just laypeople but even artists rarely encounter them in life.

18:00 – 18:30: Ildikó Palágyi – The Miracle Garden

In Ildikó Palágyi's programme, folk tales and music are equal, mutually influencing companions to one another. The composed and improvisational musical elements created as the folk tale entitled The Miracle Garden surround is told create a living fabric.


16:30 – 18:45: Playing Music Conference – New and Innovative Trends in Music Education and Outreach

Conference programme in English with guest practitioners from abroad

The artists from Brussels, Vienna and Prague will present their own programmes, which will also explore new ways of promoting music. The best practice presented here will serve as inspiration for performing artists, teachers and event organizers alike, to start or continue musical performing arts, educational and social programmes.

After their presentations, Artemisz Severinghaus, the professional group leader in music education at the House of Music Hungary, will lead the discussion.

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Ticket Prices

Showcase-jegy: 1 200 Ft péntek délutáni jegy: 4 000 Ft
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The mission of House of Music Showcase is to create a common platform for music industry representatives and music lovers to discover the latest and most interesting national and international trends in music education and outreach, as well as the best practices of concerts containing educational elements for adults and children as well. 

Presenters arriving from Brussels, Vienna and Prague will showcase innovative music educational and outreach programs containing important elements creating social change. We hope these presentations will inspire music performers, educators or organizers to start or continue their own projects in music education. 

After the presentation, knowledge-sharing and discussion will be held about the various experiences on music education, with the participation of the presenters. The moderator will be Artemisz Severinghaus, Head of Music Education and Outreach. 

2023/11/10 - 2023/11/11