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Let's Play Music! - The new possibilities of music outreach, conference and showcase - Day 2

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12:00 - 20:15
Concert hall
Music education
Program series
House of Music Hungary production

Let's Play Music! - The new possibilities of music outreach, conference and showcase - Day 2

Let's play music! That is the slogan of the House of Music Hungary's music pedagogy method, in the spirit of which the institution lays great emphasis on the common ground between performing arts and music pedagogy. This is also the aim of the Showcase, which is aimed at creating and presenting informative and experiential pedagogic programmes related to the mission of our institution. To this end, we announced a call for proposals in four categories, for which more than one hundred programme plans were received from all over the country. They were judged in two rounds by a jury made up of key professionals from the domestic cultural sector. The realization of the best project plans was also supported by the House of Music mentoring programme and will be presented within the framework of the festival between 10-11 November. It also publicizes a conference that will reflect on possible new ways of promoting music, partly with the help of foreign performers and partly with the help of Hungarian specialists. Both day tickets and tickets for individual programmes are available.


saturday morning, 11 nOVEMber: 


10:30 – 11:30: PerpiJazz – 100 years of popular music

- Winner of the Family Concert Category – In this event, the orchestra invites the audience on a musical journey through time, where the events in popular music over the past century, how people's tastes have changed and how we came to arrive at today's musical offerings will all be presented. During this journey through time, you will discover how many exciting styles have been created with the appearance of various instruments and electronics; that is, we can also gain an insight into the worlds of rock, pop, reggae and other styles. The aim of the programme is to present different popular music styles. The concert is recommended for ages six and upwards.




11:30 – 12:15: Joy-Noise-Consequence Music Workshop: 1,2,3, who can you be? 

- The winner of the children's workshop category – This is a complex interactive, music session for pre-schoolers using the tools of art therapy. In the unity of music, rhythm, play and movement, we get to know our basic emotions by trying to get inside the skins of animals. We get to know ourselves and each other through non-verbal means, through joint play, improvisation, and "playing music". Music – both as a receiver and as a musician – is a wonderful tool for developing emotional intelligence and emotional regulation. We invite the little ones to discover their own feelings in an open, accepting and loving environment, kept within a safe framework.


11:30 – 12:30: Mátyás Sőnfeld: XiloFun – The Music Companion – A special prize programme in the Children’s Workshop Category – XiloFun is a musical board game that combines the world of folk songs with the colourful score known in special education and the techniques of modern board games – all of which is fun, and delivered in such an easy to understand way. Those who play the melodies can experience, through a few colours and shapes, how easy it really is to read sheet music and create music, and the listener-competitive players can experience the speed experience of reflex games. The participants can experience the way in which the instrument, the sheet music – and our common treasure: the folk song – can be playful and experiential, and the programme draws attention to a board game that will hopefully appear soon, with plenty more musical ideas, innovations, and experiences to come our way.



13:30 – 14:00: Metrum Ensemble – Metrum Magic 

The Metrum Ensemble evokes the birth of music with a show based on creative musical games. Music connoisseurs and advanced music students – as well as those who have never studied music – are invited to rediscover the creation of sound and listening.

15:00 - 15:30: JaMese – How does the melody fit to the verse?  A special prizewinning  programme in the adult concert category – in the programme of JaMese and his band, they reveal the endless musical possibilities inherent in literary texts, by presenting some of the developmental phases of their own verse compositions.

16:30 – 17:00: Mozes & Kaltenecker – Jazz meets Pop! In this interactive programme from the band Mozes & Kaltenecker, jazz and improvisation meet electronic sounds reminiscent of Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd's psychedelic dream world, and there’s even a Björk cover in there.

18:30 – 20:00: Edina Lovászi & her band - Harmony – A Community Concert Experience  Category winning programme of the Showcase Festival As the winner of the Adult Concert Category with a promoting music content, Edina Lovászi and her Orchestra resonated with one of the messages of the Showcase during her concert, not only encouraging us to listen to poems set to music, but also encouraging participants to make their own discoveries. "In this unusual concert, we embark on a musical discovery with the audience. We leave room for improvisation, we create an opportunity for the audience to shape the concert and to become active participants, if they wish. Our goal is for viewers and performers to come into harmony with each other in a light and playful way." Musical behind-the-scenes secrets, the joy of everyday sounds, the meeting between music and text, the discovery of the rhythms inherent in us and a sensitive, moving concert experience await the participants at the concert by Edina Lovászi and her band. In the musical material of the programme, it brings the poems of the greatest Hungarian poets close to you with a modern musical sound. The rhythm of the 21st century beats in the songs, while the creators turn to Hungarian poems and their authors with respect and devotion, so that today's poetry-reading and music-listening audiences can experience and empathize with these timeless lines. Just like the poems, the concert also plays on a wide range of human emotions, from brooding, slow verse that flows into fast-paced rhythms that just invite you to dance.

20:00-20:30: Closing event and announcement of the audience award

20:30-21:30: Informal discussions, networking


14:00 – 14:30: Aviso Quartet –  Aviso Quartet – The way music gets to you, or the evolution of sound transport In this programme, the Aviso String Quartet, formed from the artists of the Danubia Orchestra, shows through a rich repertoire how we arrived at today's technical form of sound recording, sound transport and listening to music.

17:30 – 18:00: Janca Ákos – A drawn voice? The composer, musician and teacher Ákos Janca reveals how we can play the most modern instrument, the computer, graphically.


17:00 – 18:00: Beáta Bincze – What makes a good performance? Beáta Bincze, professional speech coach, mentor and trainer, will give a talk about what makes a presentation effective, interesting and memorable.

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Ticket Prices

Showcase-jegy: 1 200 Ft szombat délutáni jegy: 4 500 Ft
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