Rock movie club – Városbújócska (1985) (City hideout)
Rock movie club – Városbújócska (1985) (City hideout)
Contemporary Hungarian film and (rock) music have been in contact practically since the late 1960s. Sometimes more intensively, sometimes more loosely, but they are essentially inseparable. In its second season, the House of Music Hungary’s Rockfilmclub presents four films – A Koncert [The Concert](1981, directed by Gábor Koltay), Városbújócska [City hide and seek] (1985, Mária Sós), Cha-Cha-Cha (1981, János Kovácsi), Moziklip [Film clip](1987, Péter Tímár) – that were of decisive importance in Hungarian popular music culture in their day. Before the screenings, Béla Szilárd Jávorszky will talk briefly about the genesis and pop-historical significance of these works, followed by a discussion with a guest film aesthetics expert on the relevant domestic and international trends.
According to current regulations, from March 7, 2022, it is no longer obligatory to wear a mask when visiting the House of Music Hungary. Concerts, programs and exhibitions can be attended without a vaccination certificate or card.
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