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Time Wharp (USA) I Ensemble Mobilé: In C (by Terry Riley)

Sold Out
19:30 - 22:30
Concert hall
Program series
House of Music Hungary production

Ticket type:
Standing - Seated
Kaye Loggins
Endre Kertész, Ádám Baqais, Nóra Krokovay, Annamária Sinkó
Judit Bartek-Rozsnyói, Johanna Körmendi, Dalma Józsa
Máté Vizeli
Ferenc Vértesi, Márton Papp, Ádám Darázs
Zsófia Jakab
Dániel Szerető
piano, organ
Balázs Bank, Márton Bujdosó, Orsi Dabóczy, Zsófi Persányi, Ádám Kovács
Tara Khozein, Noémi Konta, Lenke Kovács
Júlia Vaig
Réka Kovács, Lehel Ambrus
Dániel Váczi
Borbála Marics, Bálint Fábry
Judit Nagy, Noémi Nagy
Tivadar Szávai
artistic director
György Bartók

Time Wharp (USA) I Ensemble Mobilé: In C (by Terry Riley)

A compact two-in-one musical experience awaits audiences on this this evening with Time Wharp, creator of one of last year's surprise albums, performing a solo concert alongside locals Ensemble Mobilé, who will fill the House of Music Concert Hall with their performance of Terry Riley's legendary minimalist piece In C (1964), a "period piece of contemporary music of indeterminate scope" that straddles the border between classical and pop music. The experience that Ensemble Mobilé creates with this work can certainly be described as ’a happening’, with increasingly pure enjoyment of increasingly dirty sound driving the audience towards ecstasy. The compositions of multi-instrumentalist, producer Time Wharp often deal with absolute music, covering the realms of ambient jazz, cosmic, dance music and minimalist composition, alongside extensive and colourful arrangements executed with a wry smile. The concerts take place in a mixed auditorium layout where you can even lie on a beanbag to enjoy the unique musical experience, and at the Ensemble Mobilé concert – where the band is performing in the auditorium – you can even walk among the musicians and listen to the parts that stand out for you at that particular moment.

Time Wharp

Kaye Loggins is a New York-based multi-instrumentalist musician, producer and actress. Her compositions, performed under the pseudonym Time Wharp, often deal with absolute music, spanning the realms of ambient jazz, cosmic, electronic dance music and minimalist composition, with expansive, colourful arrangements executed with a wry smile. At her live performances, Loggins plays long, rhythmic, immersive improvisations on keyboards, guitar and electronics. She has been recording as Time Wharp since 2011, initially with a minimalist synth, outsider house attitude, and since then has swung between ambient new age and progressive electronica. Her most recent album, Spiro World (2022), has gained her a wider audience where post-minimalism meets nu-jazz. It is with this album that she is arriving in Hungary for the first time.

Ensemble Mobilé

Ensemble Mobilé is a temporary contemporary music workshop of unbounded scope, experimenting with open forms through original composers, but also occasionally creating its own collaborative works. It was formed and has partly evolved within the Tilos Radio milieu and as a project from the experimental music course University of Fine Arts. Because it is essentially a workshop, it easily accommodates a wide range of musicians, composers and amateur performers. On this particular evening, Terry Riley's classic work In C (1964) will be performed.

Terry Riley: In C

The score of In C offers insight into what was happening to music in New York and Europe in the 1960s, and what changes were awaiting on the threshold. The main work doesn't look much like a magnum opus as the score fits on a single sheet of paper with the accompanying commentary on another slip of paper. In C is an open-form work, increasingly open, indeed, so much so that it has been recorded by Indian, African, Chinese and rock bands. The spirit of the original notation and the piece allows for this, and while the style of music-making may differ superficially, its essence – the duality of structure, the chance and determination – remains the same. In terms of its sound In C is the inaugural work of the colourful minimalist movement for which Steve Reich and Philip Glass were the cover stars. However, the compositional principle that describes and prescribes the work and establishes the process also places it among the more abstract open form works, that is, in the space where Stockhausen, Cage, La Monte Young, Wolff and Feldman meet. That much is important to know of the music historical context. The experience that Ensemble Mobilé creates through this work can be described as a happening; increasingly pure enjoyment of increasingly dirty sounds, the listener and the group playing the music in the same space, as far as possible seeking the original meaning of the happening in a contemporary way, gently engaging and helping its audience towards ecstasy.

The concerts take place in a mixed auditorium where you can enjoy a special musical experience while lying on a beanbag, and the Ensemble Mobilé will perform their concert in the auditorium, so you will be able to walk among the musicians and listen closely to the parts you are most interested in.

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Ticket Prices

4 000 Ft
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