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Ars Poetica

Ars Poetica

The Expert Concept of the Music Pedagogy Group of the House of Music Hungary

We, the music pedagogy team at the House of Music Hungary, strongly believe that the primary aim of pedagogical work is not the transfer of technical knowledge, but the enrichment of the personality. We also believe that, no matter what form of knowledge is in question, it can only help in a person’s development if it is connected to personal experience. It is for this reason that we endeavour to accomplish our work based on the principles of experiential pedagogy, using music not as a goal in its own right, but as a tool. To this end, our core tool is playing music together, during which the participants can encounter not only the experience of music, but also the feeling of belonging to a community. The basic principle passed down from Kodály that “music belongs to everyone”. Regardless of prior education, age group, or social background, and with special support for those living with disadvantages and disabilities. The prerequisite for successfully conveying an experience, however, is to offer a pedagogical program suitable for the given age group.

We therefore strive to use the existing set of experiences and cultural environment of the given age group as a starting point and adapt the knowledge we wish to impart to this. All this through gaining experience, building on their activity, where, by creating a supportive environment that encourages creativity, mistakes can be made and are permitted. In the course of our pedagogical work, we also strive to represent the highest level of quality in musical terms.

Taking advantage of our wonderful resources, we plan our events in the spirit of innovation and technical diversity, building on the related arts and sciences as well. Thinking about all of this in terms of future expectations, we know that we can only meet them by building on our national traditions and musical roots. For this is what can lead us to the image of a society that loves culture and whose members are open to each other.