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Lunchtime Concert – Woodwind Quintet of the Szent István High School of Music

Young talents at the House of Music at lunchtime
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12:00 - 12:40
Lecture hall
Program series
House of Music Hungary production

Janka Oláh
Anna Oroszi
Lívia Luca Sándor
Bertalan Nádasdi
french horn
Soma Horváth
F. I. Danzi
Wind Quintet in F major: Movements I-III

Lunchtime Concert – Woodwind Quintet of the Szent István High School of Music

Lunch with a concert! A concert over lunch! This series at the House of Music allows visitors the chance to enjoy short performances by young talents at lunchtime, with the 35-minute mini-concerts providing ample time to eat a midday meal. The October edition of the Lunchtime series features – now for the second time – the students of the Szent István High School of Music, this time appearing as a wind quintet. The House of Music’s Trilla Bistro will be welcoming guests with a two-course menu prepared especially for these events. Guests can choose either a meat or vegetarian menu from the restaurant situated next to the Auditorium Hall, the venue for the Lunchtime concerts.

We ask those who would like to have lunch at the House of Music after the concert to please remember to book a table in advance via email or telephone:

+36 30 575 0625

Please note that the meal is not included in the concert ticket price!

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Ticket Prices

1 800 Ft
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