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SOLD-OUT - DOME_LIVE 024 Red-footed Falcon

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19:00 - 20:00
Sound Dome
Program series
House of Music Hungary production


SOLD-OUT - DOME_LIVE 024 Red-footed Falcon

The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society's Red Footed Falcon Conservation Working Group has produced a unique three-dimensional film for the 20th anniversary of its creation, which can be most effectively presented on this three-dimensional hemispherical screen in the SoundDome at the House of Music. MMTE was commissioned by National Geographic to film in Angola, the world's largest nocturnal roosting site for birds of prey, where the world population of red footed falcons congregates before beginning their migration to Europe. The three-dimensional short film is complemented by a short educational documentary on the project on the screen of the hemispherical dome, and the African pulse is rounded off by a selection of nature photos taken during the expedition. During the DOME_LIVE premiere, there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the creators and the expedition participants.

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