Dialogue of Opposites: Boulez 100 x Schoenberg 150
Dialogue of Opposites: Boulez 100 x Schoenberg 150
One hundred years have to mean something. To mark the approaching centenary of the birth of Pierre Boulez in 1925, we will enjoy two rarely heard iconic works from the composer, accompanied by a masterpiece from Arnold Schönberg that has never been played in concert by Hungarian performers. This unmissable musical and intellectual delight will feature two definitive, preeminent and extraordinarily influential artists of 20th century music in a single evening. The relationship between the two composers is a rich topic of conversation and source of ideas. They never met in person, yet they are associated with one of the greatest musical conflicts of the century. Their works will be brought to life by the soloists of the Metrum Ensemble – known for their unique shows – as the music historian Gergely Fazekas provides the context through a combination of sound, images and spoken word. Anna Rákóczy and Lajos Rozmán, the group’s artistic directors, will perform alongside some bold young artists in this extraordinary test of their skills.
This program is held in Hungarian.