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Dance in the Park: Erdőfű

19:00 - 23:00
Open-air stage
Program series
Special programs

Andor Maruzsenszki
Ádám Kiss B.
viola, kontra
Márton Éri
double bass
Katalin Éri
Dance teaching by:
Eszter Darabos & Kristóf Komáromi

Dance in the Park: Erdőfű

Erdőfű [Forest Grass] was founded by a group of dance musicians active in Hungary. Its members are all committed to the authentic performance of the folk music tradition of the Carpathian Basin, both in dance halls and concert venues. The aim of the initiative, which could also be regarded as a music workshop, is to provide a comprehensive illustration of the diversity of stringed folk music in the Hungarian regions and the ethnic groups living in Hungary, with the specific characteristics of the given region or village kept in mind. The ars poetica of the musical association requires both in-depth professional knowledge and specific awareness of the musical traditions of particular regions, so it is important that all the members of Erdőfű have sufficient experience in and understanding of instrumental folk music. Their performances provide an opportunity for their audience to experience the unique sound of Carpathian Basin folk music in terms of its various instrumental arrangements and specific styles of playing.

Covered Open-air Stage concerts

The program will be held even in rainy weather, as the Open-air Stage is largely covered.


Ticket Prices

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This year, the successful Városliget series continues, Dance in the Park, on the open-air stage of the House of Music.

2023/05/07 - 2023/07/30