Marco Mezquida - Letter to Milos
Marco Mezquida - Letter to Milos
The Menorca-born pianist Marco Mezquida is one of the leading figures of the Catalan contemporary music and improvisational jazz scene, and also one of the most active performers on the Barcelona jazz scene. This is made clear by more than 20 solo albums and collaborations on more than 50 other records. Among others, Mezquida performed with Silvia Pérez Cruz, who has already enjoyed a highly acclaimed concert at the House of Music. Mezquida will make his debut at the House with his latest album, Letter to Milos, with Martín Meléndez on cello and Aleix Tobias on drums accompanying this versatile talent of the European music scene.
Mezquida has an extraordinarily diverse musical perspective, and is known for his solo piano productions and joint show with the flamenco guitarist Juan Gomez Chicuelo. In addition to Cruz, Mezquida has also enjoyed duets with Andrea Motis and Salvador Sobral and brought a project to the electronic music-centred Sónar Festival under the name Piano + IA . Mezquida has also received acclaim for his symphonic productions: he rearranged Rhapsody in Blue for a grand orchestra and jazz trio, and created Talaiot , a work for piano and orchestra. Mezquida has also worked alongside some legends of jazz, including Lee Konitz and Dave Liebman. We could go on, but if you really want to get in the mood for this concert, it's sufficient to listen to albums of the calibre of Ravel’s Dream, Talismán , and the aforementioned Letter to Milos – the material of which Mezquida will present at the House of Music – to know that his concert will provide plenty of thrills.
The concert is organized with the collaboration of the Embassy of Spain in Hungary.
Marco Mezquida es uno de los músicos más brillantes y prometedores de la escena musical española, cuya versatilidad y magnetismo es capaz de aunar con naturalidad la música popular y la culta en un cocktail personal de músicas tan diversas que van desde el jazz, la libre improvisación, la música romántica, la impresionista, la barroca, la contemporánea, el pop y el flamenco.
Mezquida presentará en Budapest su disco Letter to Milos, una carta de amor que el pianista menorquí le dedica a su hijo Milos, una carta ecléctica, variada, brillante y sosegada. Para llevar a buen puerto este proyecto, el pianista ha contado con dos músicos como son el chelista Martín Meléndez y el percusionista y baterista Aleix Tobias, con quienes ya había colaborado anteriormente. ¡No os perdáis el concierto de este fabuloso trío en Budapest solo en la Casa de la Música!
El concierto se organiza con la colaboración de la Embajada de España en Hungría.