Folk Initiation with the Kákics Band
Folk Initiation with the Kákics Band
Some people think of our folk customs as mere fading relics of times gone by. Yet we are convinced that anyone who becomes familiar with the richness of this world of tradition will have an entirely different opinion! As Ferenc Sebő's classic comment has it: “It is not necessary to nurture tradition, because it isn't sick. You do not need to guard it, because it is not a prisoner. The only way for our traditions to survive is if we live them!" This is exactly why we have asked the Kákics Band to compile a new programme for children of kindergarten and primary school age that will showcase not only the distinctive features of Hungarian folk music, but also the love that binds the children to the folk music of their homeland.
The children will have the chance to encounter the typical folk instruments of their forefathers in a playful format. The band usually performs the songs with the help of instruments from the areas where the music originated, including ancient Hungarian rural instruments that have been unjustly neglected. The bagpipes of the shepherds, the hurdy-gurdy of the Southern Plains, the zither, and the Moldavian tilinka, kaval and sültü all fit into the band's colourful kaleidoscope and their respect for tradition, based around the combined sound of the violin, viola and double bass. And, of course, the performance will also feature the most-loved genre for children: storytelling! Tales of music and instruments, enriched by numerous musical interludes. The Kákics Band's show will help children encounter Hungarian folk music and the characteristic instruments of Hungarian rural areas.
The program is held in Hungarian.