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A Composer Also Known as a Master of Orchestration

A Composer Also Known as a Master of Orchestration
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17:00 - 18:30
Concert hall
House of Music Hungary production

Dóra Tápai
Márton Mikulík

A Composer Also Known as a Master of Orchestration

Paris was at the centre of fin-de-siècle music, where music was created in parallel with new movements in literature and visual arts, and became the precursor to the musical language of the 20th century. Together with Faure, Debussy, Saint-Saëns and Satie, Maurice Ravel was one of the most popular and well-known composers of the era. What makes him such a significant figure in the history of music? Ravel self-deprecatingly noted to Honegger: “I’ve written only one masterpiece: Bolero. Unfortunately, there is no music in it.” In reality, Bolero is a classical smash hit! Ravel primarily distinguished himself as a composer. Though he did play the piano, he was never an outstanding musician and received little acclaim as a conductor. His life was full of twists and turns: the refusal of state recognition, military service, accusations, disappointments, and late success. Yet Ravel wrote countless masterpieces, including some works that are still celebrated today and others that are less well-known, and there can be no doubt his arrangements for orchestra are masterpieces. Ravel has Mussorgsky’s Pictures atan Exhibition to thank for his enduring success. Let’s learn about Ravel’s music and life as we enjoy a glimpse into the musical life of fin-de-siècle Paris! On this pleasant Wednesday afternoon, the choirmaster and junior high school singing and music teacher and House of Music music educator Dóra Tápai will offer a great atmosphere and some fascinating stories, interspersed with music, singing and quiz games

This program is held in Hungarian.

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2 800 Ft
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Our series Hangadó Senior is especially aimed at older participants, but of course we welcome anyone who is interested. The aim of the series is to act as a club and to playfully tell a chapter of music history in an hour-long interactive journey through time. 

Language: Hungarian

2022/10/14 - 2025/06/11