Farinelli and His Comrades in Fate – Stars or Victims?
Farinelli and His Comrades in Fate – Stars or Victims?
Adventures in music with Hungary’s most entertaining and talkative singing and music teacher. Not only is Árpád Tóth an excellent speaker, conductor and artist, but, through his enchanting presentations, he is also able to convince even the most timid people to emerge from their shells. On this occasion, it is Farinelli and his companions who end up under Tóth’s magnifying glass. Were they singing machines or flesh-and-blood human beings? Stars or victims? Artists conquering musical heights that will never be reached again, or self-serving virtuosos? We need to ask a number of divisive, almost embarrassing, questions in order to get a clear look at this largely ignored and often one-sidedly interpreted musical tradition that forever changed our view of stardom and singing. Come discover the musical quality that has captivated opera audiences for a century and a half!
This lecture will be held in Hungarian.